Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is "Earth Misery" and how does it affect us?
Earth Misery (EM) stems from humanity's conflict with nature, causing trauma within us and in our surroundings. This trauma disrupts our natural balance and is likened to cancer, deteriorating our relationships with the earth. It manifests as feelings of disconnection, emotional distress, resource mismanagement, and excessive consumption to fill the void left by a loss of connection to nature, often leading to addictive behaviors. It impacts us both personally and collectively, on all levels of existence.
2. What is the GreenWave-54 sense connection and how can it help me?
The GreenWave-54 connection is based on 54 natural senses (beyond the typical five) which are innate to us. These senses act as "webstrings" connecting us to nature and the earth's rhythms. By cultivating these senses through mindful practices, you can release yourself from the "wrangle stories" of the modern world and Earth Misery. Mastery of these senses enables a deeper connection to nature, promotes well-being, and enhances your capacity to live in the present moment.
3. What does it mean to be an "Earth Avatar"?
An Earth Avatar, as Dr. Cohen described, is someone who recognizes they are a "hologram of the earth" in human form. This role is taken on by people who recognize their literate and non-literate bodies and listen to "Mother Earth" through the latter. They understand they are not separate from nature and are empowered to help others rediscover their natural connection to it and address Earth Misery. They use their understanding of the natural world to guide and heal others, moving beyond simply surviving to thriving in harmony with Earth.
4. What are some core practices to connect with nature and overcome Earth Misery?
Several practices help reconnect with nature and overcome Earth Misery:
These practices help dissolve our filters (Earth Misery), increase awareness, and help us to engage our innate senses.
5. What is the difference between five-legged and four-legged thinking and how does this relate to 'nine-legged' being?
Five-legged thinking represents lineal, straight-line, human-centric thought processes that are often detached from nature. This includes modern logic, science and goal oriented thought. Four-legged thinking, in contrast, is grounded in a natural connection with the world. It is circular and cyclical. By integrating five-legged thinking (analytical) with four-legged knowing (intuitive), one can reach nine-legged being, achieving a higher level of understanding that balances human reasoning with natural wisdom, and allowing for more homeostatic ways of living.
6. What is the Earthway and how can it guide us to a more sustainable life?
The Earthway is a philosophy emphasizing respect for nature and living in harmony with the earth. It encourages one to act in a way that enhances both personal fulfillment and sustainability. By adopting the principles of The Earthway, one can learn to live in a more holistic, responsible manner, reducing their ecological footprint and creating a more harmonious way of living. It's about understanding our place within the natural world and acting with awareness and love.
7. How can permaculture practices help us live in better harmony with nature?
Permaculture uses natural systems to create sustainable and self-sufficient systems. Permaculture is small scale and incorporates many elements together. It is based on understanding the earth's rhythms and cycles, mimicking them, in creating more abundant and resilient environments. Practices include designing gardens that mimic natural ecosystems, using natural building techniques, and incorporating water conservation strategies. Permaculture provides a means to produce our needs, care for the earth, and create an ethical way of living.
8. How does releasing "wrangled stories" contribute to personal healing and growth?
Wrangled stories are the narratives, habits and patterns that disconnect us from nature, leading to Earth Misery. These stories are not part of our true nature but are learned and imposed. By recognizing and releasing these imposed narratives, we can reconnect with our innate GreenWave-54 self. Letting go of these stories involves forgiving oneself, accepting that they are not part of our authentic selves. This allows for personal growth and healing. With their release, the world is experienced without these filters, bringing new excitement and understanding.